Vac-Alert provides protection against suction entrapment from pool, spa, and hot tub drains with our Safety Vacuum Release System
Discover the products available from VAC-Alert
SVRS: Safety Vacuum Release
- Self-monitoring, non-electrical and low maintenance
- Easy to install within thirty minutes
- Long lasting design features moisture resistant PVC and stainless steel construction
- Simple adjustment and manual reset
- Meets all requirements of International Code Council
- Won’t damage your pump when tripped
- 3-year limited warranty ensures reliability
There are over 100,000 Vac-Alert SVRS products
operating in the world today.

Our Canadian, Americas & European Distributors for your pool supply necessities
Don’t take chances
with your pool or spa safety!
Contact your local pool professional to purchase Vac-Alert products
Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act
About VAC - Alert industries, inc
The Corporate Office for Vac-Alert Industries is located in Vero Beach, Florida, with an additional administrative office located in Santa Rosa, California. Vac-Alert Industries first incorporated in 1997.
The original prototype for our life-saving product was conceived in 1996 when one of our founders read a newspaper article about a 6-year old boy who was trapped by the suction force at the drain in his backyard spa.
First patented by Kevin Mulvey in 1997, and constructed by Marv Ruschell a master machinist, Vac-Alert began production in 1997 of its Safety Vacuum Release System (SVRS) in Ft. Pierce, Florida.

Commercial Pool Owners & Managers
facts not myths!
What you need to know to comply with the 2007 Pool & Spa Safety Act